"Life isn't about finding oneself. Life is about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh - klahoma!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Kreativ Blogger

- copy the Kreativ Blogger award to your blog (check that off...)
- put a link to the person from whom you received the award (yup there she is up at the top)
- nominate 8 other blogs and
- link to them
- then leave a message on the blogs you nominated
8 blogs... Wow, trying to not pick those who have already been awarded, but here goes...
Works in Progress Tommye was the one who introduced me to tapestry weaving and I'm always facinated by her work and thoughts. Take a look at the tapestry diary she's started.
My life is but a tapestry Kathy does a great job of posting instructions on her process of developing, making, and finishing tapestries, so I always keep it in my hip pocket, but I read it for her fresh honesty.
Sherri Woodard Coffey Sherri creates rugs and tapestries in Texas.
YarnGarden - Katie is in Australia and is passionate about whatever is going on. Right now it's quilts for survivors of the fires in Victoria.
Rebecca Mezoff - Rebecca is a tapestry weaver in New Mexico. I enjoy her weavings, but am particularly jealous of her life in New Mexico!
Argoknot - OzWeaver has much going on, but if you get a chance read this post about the meaning of art.
Magic Warp - Steve Bremner has been out of the loop for a while, but I'm sure whenever he's back it will be well worth the wait.
Tangled Web - Another tapestry artist with wonderful work.Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Just Weave!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
It's having those realizations that gives me great hope with the weaving. It's just a matter of putting the time in, choosing wisely what to work on, and enjoying the journey. One day I'll look back and say - "Look, where I've come from."
Now I begin the retreat of "getting back home". I had barely gotten the laundry done from the wedge weave class before I turned around to head out for the retreat. I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend of unpacking, laundry and finding that one item I seem to have misplaced. Somewhere in there will be some weaving and a little March Madness!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
From 28 to 82 - part 3

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
From 28 to 82 - part 2
Weaving also changed everyday throughout the week. As was shown yesterday, I started with a solid color. I realized when I looked at the instructors work what I loved best was the ability to see the wedge weave. What I mean is that she had dyed her own yarns and the varigation of the yarn allowed me to see the yarn was woven on an angle clearly from a few feet away. Learning that lesson, I started blending my colors to attempt the same effect. I also chose a contrast from the first block of colors and a sharp change was born. I struggled with those first few wedges wondering if this is what I really wanted. There was a lot trying something with the next wedge, but then tearing out again. I also had decided that the wedges would not be the same thickness so there would not be symmetry in the piece. One because I like assymetry, but also I felt it would hide my mistakes better! So Tuesday I didn't advance very far, but learned a great deal! I was also brave enough to put in a bit of the tangerine for a little pop of color.
Wednesday I felt a better rhythm, but I also stuck with just working on the floor loom. I had grand plans of moving between the floor loom and the tapestry loom I brought thinking that I'd be in the same mind set, etc. I then decided that I would be better served to concentrate on the floor loom since I cannot take it home with me. I again changed shades with the next block of colors, but I kept one constant dark green solid zig zag. It sometimes "falls off" the piece to the right. I thought it would be interesting for it to "reappear" on the other piece. So I let it run where it may. I'm really enjoying having no plan and just deciding one wedge at a time.
Thursday was the big decision day. I had woven 9 inches the past three days. I decided that I wanted this piece to be at least 4 inches less or more than 16". That ensured the companion piece on the tapestry loom would not be square (again my hope to hide mistakes). I had woven 3 inches on Wednesday night, so I thought it was possible to weave 3 inches by lunch time. If it worked then I would shoot for 3 inches after lunch and 3 Thursday night. That would leave me only 2 inches for Friday to get to 20" long. That seemed reasonable and fortunately it was. I did complete all 9 inches on Thursday and fell into bed late that night!
Monday, March 9, 2009
From 28 to 82 – part 1
My walk back from lunch was accompanied by the rapping of Woody the Woodpecker. The birds were quite vocal with the end of the rain and didn't seem hindered by the cold in the least. I was glad for the warmth of my down vest - I think I understand why they can stay out in it.
We warped the loom from back to front and tied off to the front rod. From there we used sticks to space the warp back out evenly rather than waste yarn. The main reason was not just using something besides waste yarn, but to avoid starting out with a header whose corners frown or smile. The stick always gives a straight hard surface to pack against. I thought it was clever. From there we put in twining and were ready to weave. I was able to put in a wedge and begin the second one the first day on the 4" piece on the floor loom. I was pleased to see that the wedge was actually starting to make the selvedge undulate or scallop! More later....
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Heading to the Folkschool!