There is still a lot going on with the house. These finishing touches are always the death of me! In any case, in between coats of paint, I’m back in the rest of the house looking at how to declutter and create bedrooms. We have what we would call 3 bedrooms, but only use one as such. One good friend made a suggestion that the other two should be converted into bedrooms so there is NO argument on the definition. He also gave suggestions on how to do so. I’ve taken his advice using what was readily available. I’m pretty proud of the results – and there’s even a bit of a weaving angle to it. If I offend any of the weavers out there – I humbly apologize and my only defense is WE MUST SELL THIS HOUSE!
We have these modular barrister bookcases that fill one of the rooms. Somehow they must also disappear – or at least part of them. There’s also two wooden file cabinets that need to find a home. The file cabinets became the headboard.
I then dismantled them and placed four sets at the four corners of the box spring. You can also see the queen air mattress along the wall. I also now had this wonderful space in the center. Hmmm, what shall I hide there?
Ah, the loom! And then the cross beams can span the gap to keep the air mattress from sagging!
With the air mattress in place, a bedspread and a few pillows, I think we are well on our way! Now to find an armoire fro a closet….