Sunday, August 15, 2010

NZD 12282009



I love the organic shapes of each of the bulbs in the chain and how they simply curve about.  I love that they are not all one color and the burgundy even seems to fade into the neutrals.  I like how the sand in the back does not distract.  I have cropped and turned this photo on it’s side.  I love how the image drops off from right to left like a wall moving away from me.  I wonder how to recreate that depth in a 2D image.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

NZD 12282009


I like the hard straight lines of the stone and even the ridges of the shells in contrast to the curves of the overall shell shapes.  My favorite is the little pop of blue on the shells in the upper right in the shadow.  To me it looks like a good opportunity for me to use all those natural colored yarns I bought in New Zealand!